Spot api

spot api

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What is an API (in 5 minutes)
The SPOT XML Feed is built upon an XML data stream that is enabled when a new xml feed is created. The first step is to create an XML Feed in your account. Change Log. The SPOT WebSocket API can now support SBE on SPOT Testnet. The SBE schema has been updated with WebSocket API metadata without. The Spot API lets applications control Spot, read sensor information, and create and integrate payloads. The Spot API follows a client-server model, where.
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For example: intervalNum 5, with interval minute, means "every 5 minutes". A response with the status code most likely means the access token has been deleted or disabled. Default to FULL. You can update the name and description fields. If the authentication attempt is valid, the session token is returned to the caller of the auth function.