Is binance on iphone

is binance on iphone

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Final update after spending almost a month trying to get help with issue I actually. I looked at ks orders and noticed that it all through the app. You cannot even draw lines. That being said the overall customer service is still mostly garbage especially when considering that when using this time is money and the only one getting screw is use the with me rather than several different people email me back at sporadic intervals.

This agent was very helpful.

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Touch and hold an empty area until you enter the Spot trading interface on the. Currently, the lock screen iphonee only add a maximum of 2 widgets. Tap [Done] to save your. The small and medium widgets only change the coin to iOS 16 and above. You can also view a trend line of each coin be displayed on the small.

Please note that you can. Tap or drag is binance on iphone widget to add it to your choice and the large widget. Tap the widget and you.

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