Can chinese citizens buy crypto

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In January, Reuters reported the capital gains tax in Hong usecookiesand securities regulator, may consider retail access to virtual asset services.

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Can chinese citizens buy crypto This is due to the speculative nature of crypto and the government's intention to introduce its own digital currency. Crypto Banks. Can you tell us bit more about you. Left traditional finance to pursue my interest in digital assets and decentralized finance. Visit pepperstone. Click here to see our last week's issue.
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Before the state allows it to be used as legal tender, its activities as legal tender are not permitted by national laws. The only concept that is similar to it in law is the virtual property stipulated in Article of the General Principles of Civil Law. Governments of various countries are now actively engaged in the research and promotion of digital currencies. Regarding Bitcoin entrusted investment disputes, the current ruling ideas do not support the legality of such disputes, but the determination of the validity of specific contracts is slightly different, mainly divided into: 1. Believing that the blind and disorderly development of virtual currency has a negative impact on the promotion of high-quality economic and social development, energy conservation, and emission reduction, which might endanger the goals of carbon neutrality, in addition to the earlier crackdown, the recent NDRC circular stressed that investment in new cryptocurrency mining projects must be prohibited; local governments should speed up efforts to phase out existing projects, and set a reasonable timetable and path to eliminate such projects.