Why are crypto currencies going down

why are crypto currencies going down

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SEC Lawsuit End in. However, since more valuable options events, market predictions, and the and fundamental analysis to make the factors that affect the outlook for October.

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What makes the Price of Crypto Go Up or Down?
Bitcoin has fallen % to $42, over the last 24 hours. The largest cryptocurrency was falling back after it had broken through $45, for. Bitcoin is a highly volatile cryptocurrency with a track record of �boom and bust� cycles � we look at what happened with the latest bitcoin crash. coin2talk.org � Investing.
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Most exchanges allow you to transfer assets to these wallets, which can be online on a separate platform or offline on a thumb drive with added security features. However, the most significant blow for crypto in was triggered by the collapse of FTX in November. Want to invest in crypto? There's also a chance any given cryptocurrency could go to zero, or close to zero, following a massive sell-off.